Time at Sea

On Odysseus tracks

Last Update: 03. Feb 2024

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The very beginning

'And now?' people want to know, when we meet. What are you doing now? They probably expect, that the end of business brings merely controllable chaos, that the one you have been for many years loses himself and will be going through life without orientation from now on. But, was Odysseus asked 'and now?' when he just had invited the wodden horse, when he actually just had lost his job as a war hero ...

What would we be without our stories behind?

Gut gekühlt fährt besser

Gut gekühlt fährt besser

"Schraubendreher." "7er Ratsche." "10er Schlüssel." Klammer, Tupfer. Stirn, zunähen. Ich komme mir vor  wie eine OP- Schwester Hildegard beim Anreichen des Werkzeugs durch die...

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"Da", ruft jemand an Bord aufgeregt und zeigt in die Ferne. "Delfine". Alle sehen in die Richtung der Vermuteten, die auf wundersame Weise immer wieder die Herzen der Menschen...

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About us

It's me, Carola

I am a child of the sun. I need the warmth and the appeal of the new, the unknown. Fifteen years ago, Klaus and I got married. Together we created subTilia, our home. We don't want to give that up. But now we dare again. On a path without a destination, on a journey without a planned end. Maybe it's called life. And when Klaus says the sea is calling, it might have been me who whispered it to him. ;-)

It's me, Klaus

I used to fly airplanes. Most of the time I felt above the clouds, but sometimes also below. The long haul was my territory. But now I've had enough of heaven. The sea is calling. Carola and I learned sailing together. Over 4000 nautical miles have now come together, sometimes as a couple, sometimes with the children, sometimes with friends. And now we're going on a 'Big Ride'.

Life exists through its stories. I write them down for some years now. And sometimes I tell them, too. This part of me you will find on

What this is all about

We want to get out, want to trade the solid ground under our feet for the vastness of the sea. Wanting to lose ourselves in the unknown and find ourselves again. The spirit of the world, it should lift and widen - ok, that sounds dusty like Hermann Hesse. But - isn't he right?

And we don't want to do this alone. We want to tell you, want to report, maybe even want to get you excited about it, so that you think: I want to be there, want to take part!

Because in each of us there is a little adventure, a bit of Odysseus, a little Penelope.

We'll take you with us!


1. A FP Lucia 40

Our catamaran was launched in 2017. She is 12m of length and measures a beam of 6,6m, which exceeds a monohull of that size by fifty percent. A massive gain of living comfort.

2. Sailing

Other than monohulls, catamarans don't heel. Nevertheless they glide as smoothly through the water as their single hulled sisters, and sailing is pretty much the same as on them.

3. Safety

Catamarans operate with two engines. A massive advantage in terms of safety as well as in terms of maneuverability. For landing on a sandy beach we use our dinghy.

4. Guests on board

On the port side, the DREAM CHASER has two cabins, a toilet and a separate shower compartment. Each cabin offers a spacious double bed and a closet. The starboard hull remaines reserved for the owners. DREAM CHASER On the port side, the DREAM CHASER has two cabins, a toilet and a separate shower compartment. Each cabin offers a spacious double bed and a closet. The starboard hull remaines reserved for the owners.

Our travel in numbers

How long have we been traveling? How far have we gotten with this? How many nice people have been our guests? Look at the numbers. What actually is going on you find in our blog.

days at sea

miles at sea

Guests on board

number of blog posts

Our track, our position

On this chart you can follow our route or can find the actual position of the Dream Chaser. We are also equipped with AIS, so you can find us on Vessel Finder or Marina Traffic as well.

Sailing together

An exciting passage, exploring an island, relaxing in a bay, getting to know magical places. Here you will find our plans for the near future.

Come an visit us!

März 2025, Passage

Tor zum Mare Nostrum. Ort vieler Geschichten.

Bald ist es soweit.



März 2025, Überfahrt

The moroccan city at the entrance of the MED is also called St. Tropez of Africa. Reason enough to have a closer look at it.

Sep. 2025, Passage
Lipari Islands

Auf unserer Fahrt nach Sizilien werden wir am Stromboli vorbeikommen. Ob er dieses Mal Feuer spuckt?



Impressions from our journey


Carola and Klaus learn how to sail. Back in 2005, in the Bay of Pollença. The very beginning.


Ein Traum von einer Bucht. Mit der DREAM CHASER kann man ganz nah am Ufer ankern, denn sie hat im Vergleich zu anderen Segelbooten kaum Tiefgang.

Wir sind an Deck

Alles paletti auf der Dream Chaser.

Bay of Islands

Den Jahreswechsel 2012/2013 haben wir in Neuseeland verbracht. Die Bay of Islands hat uns mit faszinierenden Segelwelten überrascht.

Delfin und Boot


Sie schenkt uns ein strahlendes Lachen.


Dieser Anblick, vor allem in schwarz-weiß, fasziniert mich immer wieder.


@Ferragudo. Wir landeten mit dem Dinghy am Strand und gingen mit Sand an den Füßen gut essen.

Marina Corfu

Diese wundervoll ruhige Abendstimmung hat ein Freund eingefangen und uns freundlicherweise zur Verfügung gestellt.


Ich glaube, sie sind glücklich.

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